Our mission

From the moment you connect with Avant-Garde Physical Therapy, you are at the center of all we do. Improving your well-being is the fundamental foundation of our practice. We deliver the highest level of one-on-one care, connectivity, transparency, attentiveness to you and your needs, and teach long term solutions that continue beyond your treatment. Our constant thirst of knowledge for the most effective techniques and treatments, our core belief of respectfulness, our acknowledgement of the trust you place with us, is what drives every aspect of Avant-Garde Physical Therapy.


Avant-Garde Physical Therapy consists of a team of Physical Therapists with a wide range of expertise, making the team prepared and competent to treat a wide variety of patients. All our Physical Therapists have achieved their Doctorates in Physical Therapy and have additional certifications including Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy, Vestibular Physical Therapy, and Manual Therapy!


Manual therapy is a vital part of Physical Therapy to manage pain and correct and optimize function. Dr. Bjune is a highly skilled Manual Therapist with years of experience in treating, correcting and managing musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction with the use of manual therapy techniques. Adjusting your soft tissue and joints take skill and practice, but with a varied arsenal of techniques and approaches, you will achieve results that lasts.

Headed for surgery? We are here to help. We know how to prepare you for your surgery and to ensure your post-op rehab is well managed. More and more evidence is being published describing the benefits of pre-op Physical Therapy. Pre-op Physical Therapy may reduce surgical complications and improve the post-op rehabilitation. Post op care can be complicated and we have the competence, knowledge and experience to manage your post-op case. We work closely with your surgeon to ensure we’re on the same road to your recovery.

We are proud to offer pelvic floor physical therapy here at Avant-Garde Physical Therapy. Pelvic floor physical therapy is a highly specialized field helping men and women with their pelvic floor health. This field has increasingly strong evidence backed research paving the way to further understand and help a variety of different pain and movement dysfunctions.

Vestibular physical therapy is an exercise-based treatment program designed to promote vestibular adaptation to enhance gaze stability, enhance postural stability, improve vertigo, and to improve activities of daily living.

Sports injury
Acute, subacute and chronic pain
Neuromuscular disorders i.e. stroke, MS, PD, TBI
Cancer management

Aqua Therapy can be a great treatment option for you and your needs. The pool provides a supported atmosphere with support for your joints and muscles. This environment provides a unique opportunity to promote movement and exercise, without adding excess strain on your body.

With Avant-Garde Physical Therapy, you can choose to be treated in the comfort of your own home. Avant-Garde Physical Therapy will bring the equipment necessary to have a full and efficient Physical Therapy session in your home. This is a great opportunity for family and care takers to take part and get educated on the specific care you need.

Telehealth is an effective way to receive physical therapy. Avant-Garde has the equipment, skills, and experience to best perform physical therapy through our tried and tested telehealth sessions. We ensure that you will receive the most effective treatment available to you with our expert trained therapists. Patients who are in need of our help and have moved temporarily or permanently out of the New York City area, can greatly benefit from this additional service we now offer.



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